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Production process of polypropylene high tenacity yarn

View: 9311/12/2024  

The production process of polypropylene high-strength yarn mainly includes: raw material pretreatment, melt spinning, cooling and lubrication, stretching and shaping. Among them, raw material pretreatment is to improve the quality of fibers, remove impurities in the textile raw materials, in order to ensure that the color and gloss of the fiber at the same time to improve the strength and elongation. The melting and rotating link is used to melt the pre-treated raw materials by heating, so that the fibers become liquid state, and through the rotating carding and other ways to make the fibers uniformly cooled and cured to form the filament. The cooling and lubrication process is used to lubricate the surface of the tow uniformly by spraying water and applying oil to lubricate the tow, reduce the surface tension of the tow, and minimize the rate of breakage. Finally, stretching and shaping are carried out to make the fiber form a certain strength and fineness.

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